Online Advocacy

Our project was launched with an advocacy campaign under the banner #youmatter on 11th January 2020. Our video outlined key statistics related to mental health in Nepal, which at time of writing had over 5500 views across different platforms. With the access to digital media, there's every kind of information at your fingertips. With a sensitive topic like mental health, it is even more important that we share and advocate the right information. As a part of our Shaping Mental Health campaign, we wanted to clarify some of the mental health myths. An online campaign was devised given our target group of youth and was delivered under three thematic areas: 1. ‘Mythbusters’ that busted common myths around mental health 2. ‘Mental Health Semantics’ where we talked about what related terms meant 3. ‘Climate Change for Mental Health’ that provided information on climate change and mental health


Project Info

  • Project By : Global Shapers
  • Date : 2020-2021
  • Location : Kathmandu, Nepal