Wellness Weekends For Relief

In the wake of COVID-19 second wave crisis in Nepal, Global Shapers Kathmandu Hub Mental health team organized a fundraiser called WellnessWeekends4Relief. The idea was to use social media platforms to ask for donations in exchange for wellness activities and classes hosted over 4 weekends. There were altogether four (4) 1-hour sessions hosted on each Saturday starting on May 15, 2021. The sessions were as follows: Breath and Stretch for Stress Relief with Naviya Kafle Mindful Coping with Anisha Jhujhunwala Salsa your Stress Away with Ashok Bhandari Fueled by Fitness with Anjana M. Kayastha We have collected donations to any amount through E-Sewa/Khalti. Our goal was to raise as much money as we can to help those in need, as well as offer programs that address mental health struggles that a lot of people were going through COVID19 pandemic. We have been able to fundraise NPR 50,000 through this initiative, which has diverted the funds to organizations i.e. Hami Nepal Youth Organization (working in various areas of COVID crisis management) and Women for Human Rights Food Bank (providing meals to families and daily wage workers) who were working tirelessly to address the crisis. Women for Human Rights used the funds to provide cooked meals to health workers. Whereas, Hami Nepali Youth Organizations used the funds to donate rations to 178 people living with disabilities. we transferred the remaining amount of Rs. 23271 to SOCHAI for the Nutrition Drive program. But instead, upon emergency, they bought tarpaulin for flood victims in Sindhupalchwok, which they sent in collaboration with Help Nepal Network


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